Babies are the best–and the hardest–thing you will ever take on
Ready for Some Support?
We know you are tired! Healing. Experiencing love like no other. We exist to support new parents and help to take on the massive workload, sleep deprivation, and struggle that keeps babies healthy, thriving and bonded to all their loves–and especially to their adoring parents.
Postpartum Doula Support
Some births are gentle, some can be rough. Recovery for either requires rest, food, comfort, and peace. We can provide all these, or only the parts that families don’t already have covered. We also can teach parents all about their babies, including soothing, swaddling, comforting cries, babywearing, and the first baths. All the while helping with the feeding plan and getting the baby to sleep safely. This is best done during daytime postpartum care, from sunrise to sunset, and can also be combined with overnight support.
More About Daytime Doula Care
This will vary from client to client, but typical postpartum care services include:
Breastfeeding, bottlefeeding, and pumping support and instruction
Baby soothing demo and instruction
Safe sleep trouble shooting
Meal & snack preparation
Laundry & tidying
Newborn care respite
Nursery setup organization
Dishes including bottle & pump sterilizing
Referrals to local resources for additional support
Most of our clients are wiped out after the birth and hospital stay. Daytime doulas can come to your home to help you stay in bed while things keep getting done. Baby care, laundry, dishes, and even food prep can be organized while you are in bed. This is the BEST time to have a doula, as we know how to help, can support you without instruction, and can create some lovely routines to care for you and baby.
The first couple weeks can be a tough time especially for moms as they want to do everything but are limited by their mobility and time constraints while being overwhelmed with newborn care. Daytime visits can teach you all about your new baby, help solve fussy times and establish sleep routines. Having an expert around can be so helpful as you learn your baby’s language.
Sunrise to sunset, doulas are helpful at any hour day or night! Shifts are 4 hours minimum and 8 hours maximum during the day. Some ways clients love to schedule their doulas are:
Sunrise shift; Starting at 5 or 6 am, doulas show up to help clients grab more sleep before starting the day, while the doula cares for baby and starts the day with chores, kitchen help, and breakfast so parents can start the day with baby rested, fed, showered, and on their game.
Daytime shift; Anytime between 8 am and 6 pm, with the most popular hours being 9-1 or 11-3. This timing is great for learning new things about baby, allowing for afternoon naps for parents, or coverage for appointments when you need someone to help with baby care.
Sunset shift; A sunset doula can come right before dinner and help through the fussy times that babies often hit from 3-8 weeks. These shifts are perfect for single parents or busy households that have multiple needs in the evening.
First week home $1000; with a visit each day for the first 5 days, this package includes 20 hours of postpartum care scheduled over the first week after discharge from the hospital. This package covers the most crucial time of establishing milk production and recovering from birth while learning all about your newborn.
First month recovery $2000; with 3 visits a week for the first 2 weeks, and 2 visits a week for the next 2 weeks, this package includes 40 hours of doula care to help you recover from birth and start to become confident in your newborn parenting skills.
4th trimester care $5000; with 3 months of support available, this package includes 100 hours scheduled on a flexible basis to ensure your postpartum is as peaceful as possible. This package works well for twins or triplets, single parents, parents with less family support, and those at a high risk for postpartum depression or anxiety.
Visits can also be scheduled a la carte, $50-$60/hr depending on on pre-booked or last minute needs, with a 4 hour minimum for day shifts. Advanced booking and scheduling is recommended.
Overnight Postpartum Doula
We are magic at getting newborn babies to sleep… and sleep well. We have advanced training on healthy and safe infant sleep, and the skills to help make it happen. After years of serving hundreds of desperate parents who are hitting the edge of sleep deprivation, we understand the value of rest for your brain, body and mental health. Overnight support often books up well in advance, so reach out early to secure your doula availability.
More About Overnight Care
Typically an 8-10 hour block of time (often starting 8/9/10pm going to 6 am) where we support sleep for the whole family. While arranged many different ways with the goal of healthy sleep for babies--and some restful sleep for parents--all while keeping your feeding plan first and foremost. Doulas can do quiet chores like laundry while baby rests, and some doulas will offer meal prep additionally to the infant care and feeding that will relieve parents for a few hours.
Overnight doulas focus on sleep for the parents and baby, however they don’t practice “awake care” in that they do rest in between feeding and soothing babies, and any chores that they offer to support the family.
Services are billed hourly with a 8 hour minimum for overnight shifts, although most clients are choosing 9 pm to 6 am overnights currently. Services range from $50-$60/hr, depending on how early you book. Shifts vary based on the availability of each doula Book from 1 night a week to 7 nights, however advanced booking and scheduling is recommended for larger packages.
We customize the plan for each family, however we like to get a sense of what you might need in order to find the perfect doula for your needs. One of the benefits to having a team is having coverage for unexpected needs that come up for families. When things don’t go as planned, we can be there to support you in a more comprehensive way.
Schedule a planning session with Kimberly to help you determine your perfect amount of support, so you can come up with the right level that fits your budget.
First month: New babies take time figuring out feeding, waking several times a night, and cause a lot of sleep loss for new parents. Doulas can help during this time to support recovery and help to establish workable feeding routines at night. Our doulas support the feeding plan that works best for your family, whether breastfeeding, bottle feeding, exclusive or partial pumping, or using formula.
2nd month: Parents can start to lose momentum in the 2nd month, and when babies get fussier, parents call for help (even MORE week 4-8 during the crying peak). Once the adrenaline of the new baby starts to wear down, we find parents requesting more overnight care.
3rd month: Parents who utilize a third month of overnight care usually have one thing in mind: getting baby to sleep in a pattern as they return to work. We also find parents of twins requesting a 3rd month, or anyone who had a baby that came early and is still adjusting to their age and sleep expectations.
Birth Doula Support
If you are having a hospital birth, but still long for continuous support with someone experienced, calm, informed, and nurturing, you’ll want a birth doula. We know that the best recoveries come from a supported birth. And the best births come with the help of a labor doula, so we added a few experienced doulas to our team. The only agenda they bring to births is to support the family with information and physical comfort, and to collaborate with the hospital professionals to give families the best experience all the way through.
Meet Our Birth Doulas
Doula Jen
Doula Michelle
Jen brings a blend of bravado and gentleness—and humor—to our families that want an experienced birth doula who is ready to support you through everything, including a high intervention birth. With 20 years of working in a hospital system as an educator and running tours to familiarize families with their future birth locations, Jen understands the cooperative relationship between care providers and doulas in a high risk setting. She is easy to fall in love with, and has dozens of testimonials to her amazing doula support.
Michelle is a wise and gentle doula who has been working with clients for years, and we have loved welcoming her to our team. With Michelle at the birth, clients report that they have a calm, confident support person working to help make their birth into the comforting experience they hope for. Offering the experience of years of supporting her 3 children into adulthood, Michelle brings a steady and grounding energy that helps to dissolve tension and fear. Clients adore the births they have when Michelle is able to support them.
Once you interview to decide on your chosen doula your birth support package begins. It includes:
A prenatal visit to help determine your goals for support and birth experience
ON CALL support available to you 24/7 for you for the last several weeks of your pregnancy
Joining you at home or at the hospital whenever you are ready for support. (Don’t worry if you don’t know for sure; doulas have extensive experience and will know what to do.)
Birth Support for the duration of your birth, no matter the length. If a backup is needed, you will have input about that decision ahead of time.
Present through the baby’s first feeding, to make sure everyone is settled before leaving to go home to rest.
A followup postpartum visit (1-2 hours) to answer any questions about the birth or to check in on the family
Available for 3+ months for text support as needed
If you are having a planned cesarean, your birth doula can also support you before and after surgery, and sometimes can be allowed in the OR to help you (and a partner) welcome your baby or twins.
Birth Support pricing $2000/birth (50% due at booking)
All doulas will help you have a better birth—we especially want someone you can feel raw and vulnerable with and know they will be at your side for support. We encourage you to meet both doulas and see what fits best for you, knowing the other will likely be the backup doula if needed.
Kind Words
Frequently Asked Questions
Having a doula after baby comes means that your feet don’t have to touch the floor while we are there. We provide practical care for you, baby, and home to help you rest, heal and bond. While we don’t do heavy cleaning, you can count on your doula to help you rest, serve you food, and fold your laundry. We will help create peace around you by taking chores off your plate, helping your figure out this mysterious new baby, and giving you breaks when you aren’t staring at your baby or snuggling their sweetness. We will ask how you are doing, when others might just be asking about the baby.
Certification is important to us, so our doulas are either certified or in the process of certifying. However our industry isn’t regulated like nurses or medical providers, so we go beyond what certification requires and add ongoing education in multiple forms to help us care for each family in their own unique ways. If you get reimbursement for certified doula care with Carrot, we can make sure you have doula options that qualify and fit your family perfectly.
This is a hard question to answer–everyone picks a different level of support that fits their budget. You can spend a few hundred dollars to several thousand; it just depends how much care you want or need. Most of our doulas qualify for Carrot reimbursement, so the first 6 weeks can be covered both daytime and overnight, as well as birth support. Doula support often qualifies if you have an FSA account you want to use as well. Otherwise we will work with you to maximize your care within the budget that works best for you.
Meet Our Team
Our Courses
We offer virtual and in-person classes like Becoming a Parent, Becoming a Grandparent and professional courses for those who want to learn about becoming a doula or educator.
Our Process
Inquire via email, text or phone so we can answer your questions and curate some doulas from the team we think will fit perfectly with your family. Meet your options and decide who fits best, and we will prepare the paperwork to get you booked! Then we wait for the good news of baby’s arrival.