On The Blog
Reducing the Risks of Bedsharing (According to the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine)
Here are the facts: Parents are told to keep their babies on their back in a crib in their room, but the vast majority aren't following this guideline. Parents are bedsharing with their infants. Most of them are breastfeeding families. The majority are not telling their doctors.
The Transformative Power of Parenthood
New parents are the most fun to work with. Yes, of course we love to work with babies! But babies have been doing similar things forever, and parents have to navigate this whole new world of newborn life, with more information than ever, without family traveling to support them, and during a world wide pandemic. It can be HUGE.
Start with Teamwork for Breastfeeding Success
After teaching breastfeeding online this week, I noticed I was highlighting this concept frequently. Using the support around you (even though limited with Covid) is still essential to success. Partners, your extended family, your neighbors or community members, and professionals are all available to some degree to support you as you begin your journey with breastfeeding or chestfeeding. Don't try to tough it out.
Counting on your Partner for Birth and Baby Support?
We know the hospitals are limiting the use of doulas (boo--doulas increase birth satisfaction and lower interventions like cesareans). And we know that families aren't able to travel to support new babies like planned before Covid 19 hit our world.
How do I prepare my body for birth?
We need to know our options and the potential outcomes so we can make informed choices that fit our needs. Once I realized there were other choices that emphasized helping your BODY be prepared, and not just your mind, I thought I better share it for the sake of my people...
Dictionary of Birth Workers and Family Support
Confused about all the different roles and how you can get training to do your chosen path? If you are considering becoming a birth worker but youhave questions about what each path consists of, what tasks are performed, and what training is required, read on.