On The Blog
Client favorite Egg Bites Recipe!
This is a quick doula meal I can make just about anywhere. Most families have eggs, and an assortment of tired looking veggies that were meant for something but got overlooked by a new baby in the house. This is a great way to build a whole meal out of a rag tag team of odds and ends, and give a new family something beautiful to eat that lasts beyond one meal.
Do you need a postpartum bubble?
More and more I see couples wanting to create a bubble of space away from their extended family and friends, especially when they welcome their new baby. Since the pandemic started I have seen these numbers increase and I am here to help you figure out your plan based on the many different ways our clients have found to protect their mental health—so you can find what might be the best for you when baby arrives.
Doulas & NCS who WANT to work with twins, we got you!
We love our work with twins and triplets!
Yes, it is a bit more challenging from a doula’s perspective, but we know how much value parents get from the care we provide when we have babies in duplicate or triplicate. We have now supported 750 sets of twins and triplets (no quads or quints yet though!) and we have so much to share with families. Here are the brand new offerings for professionals who want to work with multiples and preemies!
After 25 years as a doula, 20 years as a doula trainer, and 15 years as an IBCLC, I have shifted my thinking. I have been working on a whole new approach to postpartum support! You may have heard that I am focusing on Grandparents now, and you would be RIGHT--because I have decided to work on the core of the postpartum problem of not enough support.
Can I use my Carrot benefits to pay for a doula?
YES!! Services are covered prenatally for labor doulas, and postpartum up to 6 weeks for postpartum doulas. Doulas need to be certified and insured, which qualifies most of our ABC Doula team at this point and everyone in the future. If you have this benefit, let’s talk and find the perfect doula for you!
Which do I choose--birth or postpartum doula? When would I NOT need a doula?
While many would say both (who wouldn’t want support with two life changing experiences?) I also know many parents have a limited budget and still want great support for their transitions to parenting.
We have to do more!
New year, new vision! I need to do more. I need to shift my focus. We are calling grandparents to a new level of postpartum support that I used to reserve just for doulas. Introducing @newmamasmama…
Healing Food
Creating a postpartum plan? Does it include healing food and lactogenic meals? If your family isn’t already providing this nourishment, doulas can cook up a storm and be there to serve you all the nutrition, nurturing, and healing that home-prepared foods have to offer. If you have read THE FIRST 40 DAYS, you might be inspired to get the nest building support of a doula in the first month or so.
Do we really need a night doula?
Students in our classes are very worried about sleep loss…and rightly so. Newborns wake up a lot at night, and it IS disruptive! Here is how you can avoid having to hire an overnight doula, if you have a few other pieces in place. It isn’t for everyone, and there are many ways to make it less necessary.
Follow the line of vision
Are you a partner who wants to help but isn’t sure how? Consider her line of vision…what does she see, what is in front of her for HOURS every day while she is holding and feeding baby? This gives us a clue how to help…
Are You Ready to Help?
The world needs more doulas! Career doulas, doulas who are trained and certified, doulas who work in the community! When we have more doulas, more people are ready to help.
How do I shower alone with a newborn?
So many moms have asked this question over the years, I thought I would collect some answers here that I have heard from moms group (and some I have tried myself) and see if they help out some new mamas.
When does it get easier?
Get out your calendars and let’s plan for baby’s early weeks!
BTW Good news, they start responsively smiling during this time and I’m pretty sure it was built into the design of babies to smile right before they get WAY harder!
Adding a new baby to your family?
Thought I might start this year with a blog about adding a new baby to the family. As we have welcomed so many new babies this season with older siblings, I thought it would be appropriate to share a few of the things we are learning from the families.
Feel Like a Novice?
Professionals are available to answer your questions. Please call them! But when it comes to YOUR baby, your instinct matters! Don't feel like you need to have medical knowledge to know when something is wrong. Listen to your gut.
Why is this baby so much harder than we thought?
The phone rings. A new parent tries to hold their composure while I hear a baby crying in the background. They tell me they thought they had it all down, and then it just stopped working all of a sudden. Their baby is crying so much more, and they can't figure out why. They are trying everything, and wondering what is wrong.
Reducing the Risks of Bedsharing (According to the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine)
Here are the facts: Parents are told to keep their babies on their back in a crib in their room, but the vast majority aren't following this guideline. Parents are bedsharing with their infants. Most of them are breastfeeding families. The majority are not telling their doctors.
Breastfeeding Baby's Poop...a colorful palette!
So important to normalize this as it can be shocker for the first time parent and grandparent, as well as confusing watching the colors change during the time frame of breast and chest feeding.
Trouble with baby taking the bottle?
Dozens of mamas have agonized over this task as they prepare to go back to work, or their partner or relative desperately wants to be included in the feeding. It often results in a lot of anxiety for the breastfeeding mother, and certainly for the baby's caregivers as well. Here are some tips to help!
Yoga baby soothing position
Sometimes we try every position we can think of to make babies happy, and nothing seems to work. We try up on the shoulder, over the arm, superman flying, tummy to tummy, cradle style...and still we don't find the sweet spot that puts baby at ease.