Doulas & NCS who WANT to work with twins, we got you!

We love our work with twins and triplets!

Yes, it is a bit more challenging from a doula’s perspective, but we know how much value parents get from the care we provide when we have babies in duplicate or triplicate. We have now supported 750 sets of twins and triplets (no quads or quints yet though!) and we have so much to share with families. The skills it takes to manage 2 or 3 babies at once can make your head spin a bit, but our doulas demonstrate these with ease.

We also get questions from other doulas and NCS who wish they could come to Portland to take our Multiples training, but can’t manage the travel or time away from their work with families, and couldn’t ever get the live workshops to fit for them. So we made a solution! We recorded the online workshop and made it available on demand for any doula, NCS or newborn caregiver who wants to support parents who are welcoming and trying to thrive with twins.

Lately we have seen a larger percentage of our clients experiencing early births, and of course this brings anxiety and concerns with them that they didn’t anticipate when their babies arrival caught them by surprise. This is where the Working with Preemies workshop came in, as we found many doulas didn’t have the skills to feed, monitor, and comfort the preemies as they adjusted to a world they weren’t totally ready for. We made this one available on demand as well, for the ease of those who get hit with a premature situation, but don’t have time for training in advance and might need to learn with a tiny preemie on their chest while parents are resting.

Here are the brand new offerings and who might most benefit from them.

Working with Multiples

Our advanced training specific to this awesome population of multiple babies that builds on your postpartum doula or newborn care specialist training. With 8 modules covering over 8 hours of instruction and hands on practice, this workshop now is fully self-paced to accommodate the overnight workers and their unique sleep schedules! Once completed it provides a certificate to show new clients your dedication to advanced education. Tandem feeding, tandem holds, and tandem babywearing skills are covered extensively. Newly updated with current research on co-bedding and safe sleep for multiples. $157

Working with Preemies

Tiny babies require special skills! If you are intimidated by working with babies before their due date, have no fear. Doulas, NCS, and nannies often find they are working with teeny tinies coming home at 34-38 weeks, and even some before 34 weeks. These babies are a different breed, often come with heightened parental anxieties, and can be tricky to feed and monitor. Show your clients you are ready and confident to help them in their earlier than planned days. Virtual, self-paced. $67

(You can watch these on a quiet overnight shift.)

Babies are our jam, but supporting doulas and other birth professionals is right up there on our priority list. If you are looking for more confidence with these precious little ones and their parents, we are so happy to be able to help!


Do you need a postpartum bubble?
