Kimberly Bepler aka the Grandparent Doula, is shown holding a new baby in grey clothing, smiling in a pink shirt and jewel toned necklace with the words ABC Doula and Grandparent Doula overlaying in the logo.

I have to tell you I was so discouraged. Every year I trained more doulas and educators to be successful and helpful to make a difference in postpartum. And they did! But only for the lucky families that found them, hired them, and got the benefit of doula care. What about everyone else? People like me when I was a new mom who couldn't have known about a doula. People like my kids who are working class, young and expecting--and could not afford a doula.

And then it hit me. We are going about this wrong if we want to change postpartum. 

As doulas and educators we have a limited influence. We only get to work with families who can afford us, have a benefit program (like Carrot) that pays for our care, or if we are lucky enough to work in a community doula program that pays a living wage but covers the cost for families. What about all the other 98% of families?

You know what most new parents do have available? Grandparents. Extended family. Besties. People that already love them and want to HELP. People who might not have your doula skills, but people who will contribute, serve, and LOVE--without needing $$. 

This is the population I want to influence. Because I believe we can make a BIGGER difference than just helping the families that hire us and are looking for professionals.

Please know that I don't want doula care to diminish--doulas are the BEST humans! Our ABC Doula team in Portland makes my heart so happy and I devote myself to supporting them every week so clients in the PNW have excellent care. Doula care needs to keep GROWING.

But I can't keep doing the same things expecting different results. After 25 years as a doula, 20 years as a doula trainer, and 15 years as an IBCLC, I have shifted my thinking. I have been working on a whole new approach to postpartum support! You may have heard that I am focusing on Grandparents now, and you would be RIGHT--because I have decided to work on the core of the postpartum problem of not enough support.

So I came up with THE GRANDPARENT DOULA program, starting with a class designed for grandparents to help get them ready for a new baby's arrival. I added a new site to share what I am am doing. You can find it at Grandparentdoula.com.

Want to join us? Send the site to your loved ones if you are welcoming a baby soon and want the best care. There is nothing better than the new parents’ recommendation to get grandparents updated! Or if you know any expecting families, share so they can be empowered by better support. Together I do believe we can change postpartum for the western world (other cultures have never left it, so they are already doing better!) but I need your help to share.


Doulas & NCS who WANT to work with twins, we got you!


Can I use my Carrot benefits to pay for a doula?