Can I use my Carrot benefits to pay for a doula?

Image of two women and a newborn on a bed, one a postpartum doula writing on a clipboard, one a new mother in a white robe with her infant.

Wonder how to utilize your Carrot benefits?

We have ideas for you! Give us your budget, and we can create a customized plan for you with birth, postpartum, or both!

Yes!!!! The majority of our doula team is certified by an organization that is approved by Carrot. Many ABC Doulas have been certified by CAPPA which is listed on the Carrot forms as approved.

How do you get your doula covered? You will want to search out your Carrot benefits to see what they will cover. Here is what we know as a general guideline to work with Carrot:


·       Certified doula

·       Insured doula (maintains liability insurance, where applicable)

All our ABC Doulas carry a liability policy that qualifies.

Here is what we know from the Carrot website that IS COVERED:

Examples of prenatal and birth covered services include:

·       Introductory consultation

·       Prenatal services (planning, visits)

·       Childbirth education

·       Labor services

Included Postpartum services include:

·       Check in visits

·       Lactation support

·       Overnight postpartum support

Services are covered prenatally for labor doulas, and postpartum up to 6 weeks for postpartum doulas.

Here are a few exclusions for postpartum doulas:


·       Live in care

·       Housekeeping

·       Meal prep

·       Sibling care

·       Massage

·       Aromatherapy or Medication administration

·       Placenta handling

Our postpartum doula services fit in perfectly for Carrot coverage as we focus on supporting and teaching new parents about their recovering bodies, their babies, lactation, and the normal course of postpartum as well as the variances of postpartum mood disorders and challenges of infant feeding and sleep.

What CAN you use your benefits for:

  • Daytime doula care

  • Overnight support

  • Sleep support

  • Postpartum mom care

  • Education classes

  • Support with breastfeeding (non-clinical, doula support)

  • Support with pumping or bottle feeding

  • Soothing support for baby

  • Answering questions about newborn life or parenting

  • Newborn consultations

How does Carrot reimbursement work?

Carrot is a benefit that some companies offer to help families pay for fertility, birth and postpartum support. The benefits are paid to the family, so doulas contract with the family directly, not with Carrot. Doulas are paid by the family, provide an itemized invoice/receipt, and Carrot reimburses the family once paperwork is submitted. Invoices need to be detailed to cover the timing and services to make sure they qualify.

If you have Carrot benefits, make sure to find out the limits of your coverage so you will understand your total budget for doula care as you contract for your doula service. This can help us determine how much care we can offer to stay within you budget and create a nurturing plan for your postpartum care.

We have waited decades to see the kind of coverage provided by Carrot, and are THRILLED that our clients can receive these benefits finally. While we still await a change in postpartum care for the general population, Carrot is providing an avenue of postpartum care that has not been available previously that makes it possible for families to obtain care they probably wouldn’t have the budget for otherwise. We are so grateful, and happy our families can budget their care without added expenses.


Which do I choose--birth or postpartum doula? When would I NOT need a doula?