On The Blog
Reducing the Risks of Bedsharing (According to the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine)
Here are the facts: Parents are told to keep their babies on their back in a crib in their room, but the vast majority aren't following this guideline. Parents are bedsharing with their infants. Most of them are breastfeeding families. The majority are not telling their doctors.
Who is waiting for Doula O'Clock?
Sunday nights are very popular requests for overnight doula care. Monday mornings are often flooded with calls from families who packed a lot into their weekend and now realize that more support would make a big difference. When families lack sleep, overnight care can make huge deposits in your sleep bank, and help get you back on track.
Doula Services are Filling Up!
I've been looking at baby succulents lately and wanting to squeeze them, just like a fresh new baby! I love how our baby plants inspire our caretaking abilities just like little babies too. We just want to take care of them and help them thrive!
Prepare for your Newborn
As we help parents prepare for their coming babies, we are building confident new parents who understand what babies are saying, are able to respond to their needs, and who can also take care of themselves during this unpredictable time.
Counting on your Partner for Birth and Baby Support?
We know the hospitals are limiting the use of doulas (boo--doulas increase birth satisfaction and lower interventions like cesareans). And we know that families aren't able to travel to support new babies like planned before Covid 19 hit our world.
Doing all the work by yourself?
We are hearing from parents who don't have any other support in place during this strange spring and summer. They are doing it all, and asking us how to be better partners, how to support each other, and how to support their new baby.
Who is holding the new parents?
As I teach a CLE training this week, I am reflecting on all the ways that doulas and educators hold parents. Although families used to have a built-in circle, now they often have to create their own circle of support. We are so grateful to be able to be a part of caring for parents. Yes, of course that means helping with the baby.
Happy Father's Day 2020!
Loved seeing all the stories of Fathers with their little ones yesterday! Hopefully everyone had a chance to recognize the gift of fathering, whether on the giving or receiving end of that role. We are so grateful for the father's in our lives, both literally and figuratively.
Celebrating Father's Day
We have served over 2200 families now (over almost 20 years) and so many dad's, partners and co-parents that we were proud to support through helping them understand and bond to their babies. We believe in strong families and partnerships, and love that our role encompasses educating all parents to care confidently for their babies-- and each other.
Who is carrying the mental load of the new baby?
A question we asked in Monday Moms group: “How do you divvy up the mental load when it comes to baby?” Who decides who does what?