On The Blog
The Fall Babies are Coming Fast!
We are so excited to meet the new babies coming this month! We have several families eagerly awaiting the birth of their babies, and we know the joy that is in store for them.
Counting on your Partner for Birth and Baby Support?
We know the hospitals are limiting the use of doulas (boo--doulas increase birth satisfaction and lower interventions like cesareans). And we know that families aren't able to travel to support new babies like planned before Covid 19 hit our world.
Find yourself needing last minute support?
Just feeling unsure about safety? Wanting to make sure the people in your home are keeping you as safe as possible? Doulas show up healthy and ready to help; taking temperatures ahead of time, hand washing, mask wearing, and working with one family at at time to keep exposures to a minimum.
Feeling overwhelmed by this new baby?
Did you welcome your baby with some feelings of overwhelm? Most of the families we serve will characterize their beginning of parenthood as overwhelming. And it IS.
Is everyone telling you to "Enjoy Every Moment"?
Does everyone tell you this? Are you quarantining with your baby, trying to enjoy every moment? Or are you stressed, trying to fit work into a very demanding new situation with a baby or twins?
Doing all the work by yourself?
We are hearing from parents who don't have any other support in place during this strange spring and summer. They are doing it all, and asking us how to be better partners, how to support each other, and how to support their new baby.
Keeping babies safe
This week as we focus on safety, we are finding ways to support families that are welcoming babies home. Whether virtual or in person support, we are figuring out new ways to care for parents, babies, homes and even furry babies. Wearing masks, gloves and face shields when needed, socially distancing, and keeping our exposures low to no risk, we are making sure to make the world the safest place for babies possible.
Looking for a Circle of Support?
Right now too many families are not able to have the support they planned for. Many extended families aren't able to travel to help parent with their newborns and their physical recovery after birth. If are welcoming a baby this summer, consider having a doula supporting you while your family quarantines--so they can see the baby!--or prepares to see you when things are safer for travel and exposures.
Who is holding the new parents?
As I teach a CLE training this week, I am reflecting on all the ways that doulas and educators hold parents. Although families used to have a built-in circle, now they often have to create their own circle of support. We are so grateful to be able to be a part of caring for parents. Yes, of course that means helping with the baby.
Happy Father's Day 2020!
Loved seeing all the stories of Fathers with their little ones yesterday! Hopefully everyone had a chance to recognize the gift of fathering, whether on the giving or receiving end of that role. We are so grateful for the father's in our lives, both literally and figuratively.
Celebrating Father's Day
We have served over 2200 families now (over almost 20 years) and so many dad's, partners and co-parents that we were proud to support through helping them understand and bond to their babies. We believe in strong families and partnerships, and love that our role encompasses educating all parents to care confidently for their babies-- and each other.
Saving lives by listening to mothers
Saving lives by listening to mothers. How can we help? Listening to Black and Brown mothers could save their lives. We need to trust what they say about their bodies.
Covid 19 and Postpartum Doula Support
Last week we got a lot of calls from pregnant people about setting up doula care. The first question was, "What are you doing to keep everyone safe?"
Creating a circle of support for new parents
We know how much difference support makes. Doulas exist to support parents, to help create that circle that carries them when they are focusing all their energy on their new baby. We love supporting single parents by choice. We love being able to take on all the tasks that burden new parents so they aren't overwhelmed when their tiny one arrives.
Non-judgmental doula support
The person you don’t have to ask for help who supports you without judgement: Doula.
Filling your gaps with support from a postpartum doula
Who is filling your gaps? Postpartum doulas support parents so they have more time to love on their babies.
Worried your nipples aren't perfect for breastfeeding?
One of the biggest questions I get when I show breastfeeding videos in class is..."Do my nipples need to look like that for this to be successful?" (Then said quietly, "Because I don't have perfect nipples.")
Who is carrying the mental load of the new baby?
A question we asked in Monday Moms group: “How do you divvy up the mental load when it comes to baby?” Who decides who does what?
Afternoon sunlight means more sleep for baby?
Did you know that babies need exposure to sunlight in the daytime hours to help regulate their circadian rhythms? After 3 months of age, babies start to develop their own melatonin cycles and need light to help them distinguish the rhythms of the day and night.
Guest Blog on Hanna Andersson!
“We had the pleasure of talking with Kimberly Bepler, a local postpartum doula here in Portland and founder of ABC Doula. It quickly became clear why so many mothers in the area rave about Kimberly—she’s down-to-earth, joyful, and is known to whip up a delicious frittata. We wanted to share some of Kimberly’s wisdom about becoming a new parent, and she had a lot to give.