On The Blog

Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

When a new mom is just too tired to make something

Have you ever been hungry and wished there was “a little something” set aside for you?

This is one thing we do as doulas! Make, prep, or package up a little something for hungry breastfeeding parents, or tired new moms who forget to eat. Here is how to make that magic for those you love.

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

Doula Services are Filling Up!

I've been looking at baby succulents lately and wanting to squeeze them, just like a fresh new baby! I love how our baby plants inspire our caretaking abilities just like little babies too. We just want to take care of them and help them thrive!

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

Prepare for your Newborn

As we help parents prepare for their coming babies, we are building confident new parents who understand what babies are saying, are able to respond to their needs, and who can also take care of themselves during this unpredictable time.

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Kimberly Bepler Kimberly Bepler

How do we help our fussy baby?

Doulas exist because families need us. Sometimes they plan ahead and book up our time well in advance. Sometimes they don't realize the transition and call after baby arrives. And sometimes they are so buried in the chaos they don't even know to call.

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

The Transformative Power of Parenthood

New parents are the most fun to work with. Yes, of course we love to work with babies! But babies have been doing similar things forever, and parents have to navigate this whole new world of newborn life, with more information than ever, without family traveling to support them, and during a world wide pandemic. It can be HUGE.

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

Find Your Birth Recovery Support

Birth is meant to be transformative. What we do not plan for is the massive recovery period after birth (we call it postpartum, but that just usually means depression to the majority, even though it is something that everyone goes through after having a baby).

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

Start with Teamwork for Breastfeeding Success

After teaching breastfeeding online this week, I noticed I was highlighting this concept frequently. Using the support around you (even though limited with Covid) is still essential to success. Partners, your extended family, your neighbors or community members, and professionals are all available to some degree to support you as you begin your journey with breastfeeding or chestfeeding. Don't try to tough it out.

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

Find yourself needing last minute support?

Just feeling unsure about safety? Wanting to make sure the people in your home are keeping you as safe as possible? Doulas show up healthy and ready to help; taking temperatures ahead of time, hand washing, mask wearing, and working with one family at at time to keep exposures to a minimum.

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

Doing all the work by yourself?

We are hearing from parents who don't have any other support in place during this strange spring and summer. They are doing it all, and asking us how to be better partners, how to support each other, and how to support their new baby.

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

Keeping babies safe

This week as we focus on safety, we are finding ways to support families that are welcoming babies home. Whether virtual or in person support, we are figuring out new ways to care for parents, babies, homes and even furry babies. Wearing masks, gloves and face shields when needed, socially distancing, and keeping our exposures low to no risk, we are making sure to make the world the safest place for babies possible.

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

Looking for a Circle of Support?

Right now too many families are not able to have the support they planned for. Many extended families aren't able to travel to help parent with their newborns and their physical recovery after birth. If are welcoming a baby this summer, consider having a doula supporting you while your family quarantines--so they can see the baby!--or prepares to see you when things are safer for travel and exposures.

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

Who is holding the new parents?

As I teach a CLE training this week, I am reflecting on all the ways that doulas and educators hold parents. Although families used to have a built-in circle, now they often have to create their own circle of support. We are so grateful to be able to be a part of caring for parents. Yes, of course that means helping with the baby.

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Newborn News Kimberly Bepler Newborn News Kimberly Bepler

Happy Father's Day 2020!

Loved seeing all the stories of Fathers with their little ones yesterday! Hopefully everyone had a chance to recognize the gift of fathering, whether on the giving or receiving end of that role. We are so grateful for the father's in our lives, both literally and figuratively.

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